Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Would you rather...?

Question: Would you rather have a guy who worships you? Or a guy that you worship?

This seems like a pretty silly question at first. Of course you want the guy that worships you right? But why is it then that when I actually find a guy who worships me, a guy who actually treats me well, I always seem to find reasons that we aren't meant to be, a reason for us not to be together? It's like as soon as I find a guy who loves me, I dismiss him at the drop of a hat.

It's like when you are watching a romantic movie with your girl friends and express out loud, "Wow, this girl is nuts. If only I could find a guy who did that for me, I would totally marry him in a heartbeat." Sound familiar? Well I have said this, and then I do find that perfect guy who does something completely perfect for me, and instantly, somehow, that's no longer good enough, turns out it's not what I wanted, and now, after the fact, it completely baffles me why in the world I changed my mind. Why do I do that? Why do I let all those other little stupid mosquito bites of problems trump the really good aspects of my relationships? Sometimes it makes me feel so shallow... Because if the tables were turned, if I actually was the one who worshiped the guy, I would be really heartbroken and really quite angry if he did the same to me.

But back to the question. I do think there are girls out there who are with guys they absolutely adore but who are complete pigs, hence "guys you worship." And there are also girls out there who are with guys they aren't necessarily attracted to, but who worship the ground they walk on, hence "guys who worship you." Is it better that you are fully invested in a relationship and that you worship the guy you are with... or that they are fully-invested and worship you? Or is there a happy medium somewhere along the way? Or perhaps there are actually women out there who have both, a guy who worships them and a guy who they, in turn, worship?

Lucky girls.


stillarockstar said...

Ha ha, wow...that first paragraph was totally what I kinda wrote about yesterday...I have found one that yeah, would drop down & bow for me, yet there's just a little something I can't pinpoint that is holding me back...ugh...

reALIty said...

stillarockstar: Yes! I read your blog, and they were very similar, which makes me feel like these could be thoughts that a lot women get when seeing a guy!

Grant: Don't automatically assume I was talking about you!