Thursday, January 7, 2010

Another Iowa Storm

Yes, it's another Iowa storm... go figure. A one hour drive home, just took my family and I two and a half hours. I mean, gees...January has barely begun, and we have already had huge amounts of snow. This winter is beginning to feel like the winters I remember as a child. I remember ungodly amounts of snow, for what seemed liked months and months at a time, because for kids, everything is exaggerated.

But as a child, I hated the snow. The only reason I ever went out to play in it was because my sisters were all going out, and what's the fun in staying inside alone? But I just hated getting snow in around my neck and up the sleeves up my jacket. My fingers and little tiny toes were always completely frozen before my sisters decided they wanted to go in.

I remember one winter in particular, my Dad, my sister, and I headed for the neighbors with our truck. We got out of the vehicle by what looked like an old, abandoned car behind our neighbor's shed. My dad told us to be very quiet, because we were going to steal the car hood right off the car, and we didn't want to get caught. I remember looking at my sister confused and scared. We proceeded to take the car hood from the car and then creep away slowly from the house. My sister and I didn't really know why we needed a car hood, and we had no idea why my dad had just encouraged us to steal. We had no idea my dad had just been fooling with us.

Within an hour, my dad had that car hood flipped upside down and attached to the back of our four-wheeler like a sled. He must of hauled us around on that thing a dozen times. It was one of the best sleds ever. So fast!

And now this year, this winter, my dad "stole" us another car hood, and Christmas weekend, he hauled us around on the back. Even though we are a little heavier than we used to be, that thing still slides around on the snow brilliantly. This might sound slightly hickish to anyone not from the Midwest, but don't knock it until you try it!

So while I've never really loved the snow, I really don't think I could ever live anywhere else. I think somehow, I would miss the fluffy white stuff. I think somehow, I would miss the Iowa storms, because the weather anywhere else, just wouldn't compare.