Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Tribute to My Best Friend

I have a best friend...and she's one of those people who I can talk to about anything, literally anything. Even when I haven't seen her for months at a time, we get together, and it's as if we were never apart. I've never had that with anyone but family. I guess that makes her family.

After yesterday's post, of course she was there for me....Thank God!

"What I think about your blog... I believe that you are using your talents everyday. Being kind, supportive, and being a "big sister," reaching out to the younger ladies in your sorority. I know you have impacted my life in a great deal and have inspired me, and you used your gift of friendship to do it. There are many things you can do to volunteer then maybe you would feel more needed in the world..? You rock as my best friend!! :).. and I love you. That's all."

See what I mean? The funny thing is, she and I were in the same class all through middle school and high school, but it wasn't until junior year of high school that we started really hanging out, thus beginning one of the best relationships of my life. And now we go to different colleges and have separate lives, but somehow we make it work. For some reason, God has reserved her as my best friend. Lucky me.

When we were in high school, the two of us decided that when we were older we would marry rich doctors and then kindly divorce them and take all their money, only to move in together, so our kids could be best friends... just like us. Of course we laughed as we said this, but now that I think about it, this might just be the perfect plan.

Another time, I told her that she would definitely be the maid of honor at my wedding. She replied, completely serious, "What is a maid of honor?" So Messy Jessie, since you didn't know that the maid of honor is the title given to the bride's chief attendant and closest friend, I will remind you:

You, my dear, are my closest friend. My sister by fate. You are irreplaceable and have an absolutely beautiful soul. It's no wonder that you are becoming a nurse, because you take every chance possible to help others out. Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for helping me blossom and learn and be a better person. Thank you for choosing me to be in your life, because you have truly blessed mine. I love you.

Now let's find us a couple of doctors... :)


reALIty said...

oh settle down...