Thursday, January 21, 2010

Just One of Those Days

Do you ever have one of those days where you are just so annoyed with everyone and everything no matter what they are saying or doing? You find irritation in someone's tone or action or response or gesture or laugh... People who are normally your best friends are people that you just can not stand today...

And you try to hold in your irritation and anger, but it just starts filling you up like a hot dish boiling over on the stove... And yes, you are fine and no nothing's wrong... Everyone just leave me alone before I explode and do something I regret!!

And it really sucks, because although you know you are overreacting and understand that you sound pretty ticked off, there is practically nothing you can do to calm yourself, except crawl into your bed and wait it out.

Yes, wait out the storm, hoping it will pass... Or dive head first into someone's arms and squeeze...


Alicia said...

Yes. And I feel like it's been one of those days.