Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Too Happy? No, Not Me!

OMG! I just received a "Happy Blog Award" from my friend and fellow blogger, stillarockstar. Thank you so much! I'm honored to be one of your ten!

Now, the rules are I am supposed to list ten things that make me happy and pass the award onto ten bloggers who I also find worthy. So here goes... Ten things that make me HAPPY.

1. Of course, my number one is my family... I am blest with the best family in the world, my parents and three sisters, and of course, my best friend Messie Jessie is included as well. I love them all to death and thank them for all their support and love. I am always the HAPPIEST when I am with them.

2. Pi Beta Phi and all my sorority sisters... I couldn't imagine college without my sorority sisters. All the things we do together are so special and rewarding. I love you all. Every single one of you! I am HAPPY at school, because of you!

3. A certain guy with potential... I have been seeing this guy, and he makes me smile. When we are together, I am entirely all too HAPPY. He does that to me.

4. Writing... I am so HAPPY when I am writing, because I feel like I am able to just let go and throw my thoughts onto paper. It is how I best communicate. It's my escape.

5. Movies... Like I've mentioned, movies feel all too real to me. Romantic comedies in particular, make me feel so wonderful and hopeful, because in the end, it all works out. The guy gets the girl, and the girl is HAPPY!

6. Music... Tunes are the background music of my life. I just can't help but feel HAPPY when I am listening to to my IPOD.

7. Praying... My God is an awesome God, and I always feel a sense of peace and calm when I am praying. I feel HAPPY knowing that I am never alone in this crazy world!

8. Sleeping... I don't know, but every night, I am always HAPPY to get to sleep. My bed is so warm and cozy! I love finally relaxing after a long day.

9. A full day of shopping... Stereotypcial girl thing, but I love it. I love going and finding something that looks great on me or that fits my personality. It makes me feel HAPPY when I look good.

10. A huge glass of ice water... I love me some ice cold water. I feel healthy and refreshed when I drink water and always seem to crave it. Like when others crave pop, instead, I crave me some "high quality H2O." It makes me HAPPY!

These are my top ten. What makes you HAPPY? :)