Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Vent

I am an emotional wreck. I love cheesecake. I overanalyze everything. I've broken up with everyone I've ever dated. I hate scary movies. My hair is actually quite ugly. I am not completely unfortunate looking. I love music. I cry too much. I smile too little. I am way too organized. I am anti-social. I want the fairytale and nothing less. I love plastic containers. I have a wart. I adore my family. I like Las Vegas. I hate frozen chicken. I look in the mirror and judge myself more than five times a day. And I'm never satisfied. I enjoy shopping. I love to write. But as it turns out, I might not be as good of a writer as I hoped. I have good intentions. I am losing my way. I am constantly comparing myself to other girls. I barely pray anymore. I pretend to know what I am talking about. Sometimes I wish I had bigger breasts. I take people for granted. I have too many hair products. I have stretch marks. I am broke. I am underqualified. I like to be complimented. I don't do drugs. I pretend to be tough. I drink champagne from a plastic cup. I am afraid to die. I want to be more than I am. I love bologna. I overreact. I make mistakes. I buy new clothes to cover up my flaws. My planner is my life. I wish I could play the guitar. I wish I was outgoing. I bruise easily. I wear glasses. My toes are ugly. I sell myself short. I am not confident.

Don't mind me. I am just being honest with myself.


Tricia Gonyo said...

Cuz....I never knew how much we truly had in common. Love ya.

stillarockstar said...

Um. This post followed up by your bf's post was AWESOME. I think you're both keepers!