Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Buying in Bulk!

Today I made a trip to Sam's Club with some friends, and it was AMAZING! There is just something about shopping in bulk, haha! I have only ever been to Sam's Club like one other time in my life, so it was a real treat to go there today to see the stacks upon stacks of Lucky Charms, toilet paper, and Scotch tape.

While most people walk out of that place with a cart crammed full of goodies, sadly me and three others only bought seven items: a 24-pack of Fruit-By-the-Foot and Gushers combined, a ginormous bucket of cheese balls, a large bag of breaded shrooms, a forty pack of CapriSun, a three-pack of beef jerky, a huge bag of Craisins, and The Biggest Loser workout DVD. And all of this for the low price of $52.05.

Still... our cart looked pretty pathetic against those hardcore mom shoppers. We felt that it probably wasn't a true trip to Sam's Club if you didn't have to pull up under the overhang to get your items loaded into your vehicle. We failed at life. :(

P.S. Condiments in bulk gross me out! Never ever should mayonnaise be sold in four gallon buckets nor butter be in containers any bigger than your refrigerator.