Saturday, December 26, 2009

"You Always Meet Twice"

Tonight I was reminded of a very interesting German saying: "You always meet twice."

Now whether this is actually true or not, I don't know, but just think how pleasing it would be if it was true. For in fact, this means that you always have a second chance. No matter what the circumstances. Whether you made a good or bad impression the first time, you have a second chance to confirm your position or make up for your rude behavior.

You have a second chance to get that job. You have a second chance at baking that cake. You get a second chance at that 1st place title. You have been blessed with a second chance with that friend, neighbor, or family member.

And how cool is it to believe that sometime, somewhere, by some means, your paths will cross again. A day from now? A week from now? Ten years from now? On the bus? In a bar? On the beach? In Best Buy? You don't know. Like that saying, "Would you rather know when you are going to die or how you are going to die?" In this case, you know neither, except that it's inevitable. It will happen. You will die, or in this situation, you will get a second chance.

But it all depends on whether or not you take it; whether or not you face your fears; whether or not you risk feeling stupid or silly or heaven forbid, wrong. You have to step up and rise to the occasion.

Because yes, you get a second chance, but.... you might only get one.


Anonymous said...

I was just loooking up that saying because Im moving in a few days and I feel like im letting everyone go but then I hope that one day I will meet all the people I have meet again. It makes me feel calmer and let's me grasp the idea of leaving everyone behind.
Remember to keep on writting about what is important to you and maybe one day I'll read another one of your blog enteries and I'll think of how ironic our universe is

reALIty said...

Thank you for the kind comment! I am glad that my blog was ironic for you, because that is what life is all about... connecting with people. Good luck with the move and with all those second chances! :)

Ahmed said...

I like the previous comments , I have little words to say about this. I met a very nice girl for bew minutes every day and by end of the week I had to go and leave her (sorry for that) , I told her it is the last time to see you ever but I want to say to you , you have wonderfull smile , and she replied "you always meet twice" I didn't figure that in time and stoped in from=nt of her didn't know what to say ?! I told her my be it is once but duplicated (dumb huh)
Anyway thank I found someone shared me that thought and that moment....

Jini said...


Unknown said...

hi far as I am aware there the meaning is more along the lines of "you might tricked me/have been rude/arrogant to me with no reason, but you allways meet twice in life and then you might want something from me/need me and i refuse or are interested in someone close to me and I would warn the person...pretty certain that it has most time something to do with bad manner/morals/behaviour

Unknown said...

hi far as I am aware there the meaning is more along the lines of "you might tricked me/have been rude/arrogant to me with no reason, but you allways meet twice in life and then you might want something from me/need me and i refuse or are interested in someone close to me and I would warn the person...pretty certain that it has most time something to do with bad manner/morals/behaviour

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I Hope this is true. Met a really cool woman that I like but it is during work and was busy didn't get a chance to exchange numbers. if we meet again I won't mess it up😊

Unknown said...
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