Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sick As a Dog

Isn't it amazing how a cold can stop you dead in your tracks? You could be having a perfectly, productive and pleasing week until BAM!... a cold sets in, and then you feel like this might possibly be your last day on the Earth.

The common cold, I mean really? In a world where we have robotic arms and GPS and cures for cancer and IPODs and organic food, we the people, this great nation of people, can not find a cure for the common cold. Seems a little backwards to me...

Yes, you guessed it. I have a cold. Runny nose, headache, coughing, sore throat... I have all the symptoms, and they suck! Grant it, there are a billion other worse things that could happen to me besides getting a cold, and I should be grateful that out of all those things, I only have a cold. But somehow, right now, that seems really hard to do. Instead, I feel like overdosing on cough syrup and sleeping for 20 years straight just like Rip Van Winkle.

(With my brain feeling like a child's red balloon ready to burst, I came to realize, only as I write this blog, that Rip ironically stands for R.I.P. as in Rest In Peace. I know this is a fact that everyone who has ever read that story was probably aware of but me, but in case you didn't know either, I'm glad we can feel stupid together.)