Monday, December 28, 2009

A Nightmare

After yesterday's post regarding family, I went to sleep feeling the importance of family and friends in my life. Then, I had a very ironic dream.

About three-fourths of the way through a rather pleasant dream, I was shot in the head by a man in a getaway vehicle. I didn't die right away, because the bullet was lodged just in the right spot, but I knew that I had little time left.

So after my friends got me into a car to get to a hospital, I was forced to call each one of my family members to say goodbye. It was harsh, even for a dream. The calls were very difficult, and even though I didn't want to hang up after talking to one of my family members for the last time, I knew I had other calls to make, other people to say goodbye to. While I remember feeling little pain from my head injury, my heart was deteriorating slowly with each call.

After only finishing three of the five calls I wanted to make, I woke up abruptly. I sat up in my bed and looked around my bedroom, final realizing that the dream wasn't real. But what frightened me the most is that that situation is real for a lot of different people, and it could very easily be reality for me. That would be a complete nightmare.

I had trouble falling back to sleep after that.