Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Night

Is there ever a night, when time is drifting slowly by, and all you want to do is talk to someone, but no one is around? Everyone is sleeping, as you should be, but for some reason you find yourself awake. You find yourself filling each minute with little tasks like vacuuming, organizing your mail, or picking up and reading an old newspaper. You find yourself busy and not paying much attention to the time, until you finally look at the clock. Wow, it's late, you think to yourself. But I'm not tired. You finally sit down, giving yourself time to think, only to realize that you wish someone was up with you in that moment, in that late hour. You wonder if anyone else in the world is awake right then. You look out the window for signs of life or light, but you see none. Still you wonder if it is possible that someone out there is sitting just like you, wondering if anyone else is out there, awake.

Well I wish I had that person's number. So tonight, in this late hour, that person and I could sit and talk or just sit together and not feel so alone. Because the darkness gets to you, making you feel isolated and almost unknown to the world. Usually, after a while, finding no solace in anyone or any task, you fall asleep, only to wake up in the morning, forgetting the way the night made you feel, forgetting how alone you felt.

But sitting now, in this late hour, alone and isolated, it's hard to believe that I, or anyone, could ever forget how this feels. It's a horrible feeling.