Sunday, May 23, 2010

A New Phase

Yesterday, at 10am, I graduated from college...finally. After getting home from the final track meet of my career only four hours before,  I proceeded to walk with my fellow classmates across the stage to receive our diplomas. It was a happy day! I graduated, moved out of Pi Phi for the final time (tear), went out to eat with my entire family, checked out Goodwill with my sister's fiance (LOL), and went gambling and to the racetrack at Prairie Meadows with the family. It was relaxing and very fun! I wouldn't have wanted to celebrate it any different.

Now, I have moved home and am proceeding to unpack and get settled in. I plan on living at home for awhile to save on some money and pay off some loans. I have a week off, in which I plan to visit friends out of town, then I will start a new phase of my life.

I don't know if I've yet mentioned that... I GOT A JOB! So, if I haven't there it is, but I am now going to be spending my days among old men and green tractors (small pun). In exactly a week from Tuesday, I am going to be the new marketing coordinator for Southard Implement, which is a John Deere dealership in central Iowa. My duties will include building a new website, keeping it updated, making signs, sending out newsletters, creating radio and magazine ads, selling four-wheelers, and of course, having a lot of fun while doing it! I am really excited to start!

And not only my new career but my new life. Who knows what God has planned for me now that I've graduated... It's exciting not to know and a little nerve racking too. Hopefully it will be another twenty or so years of family, friends, and fun...  I can't wait to begin!


stillarockstar said...

YAY YOU! :) GLAD you ENJOYED graduation day & it was one to REMEMBER! I'm SURE all who cross your path along journey, will be BLESSED...

CONGRATS on the new job - sounds like a GOOD FiT for you!