Monday, June 28, 2010

Another year...

Another year has passed in my life... yep, tomorrow is my twenty-third birthday. And while all you folks out there older than me are thinking that I have tons more life to live, the time has come for me to evaluate my life. It's a human thing, a habit I think.

And surprisingly enough, this year I actually feel pretty good about where I am and what I am doing. Sure, there are those days when I just can't believe I haven't done anything with my life yet, but today while reminiscing in the past, I feel good at what I've accomplished and what I have. For instance, I have an amazing family... a good paying job... a place to live for now... I am still writing... I have a great boyfriend... I am having fun in my free time... I am spiritually strong... I have pretty great friends... and I am in good health... Overall, I'd say that's a pretty darn good life. Who am I to complain?

So I guess all I really wanted to say is: "Bring it on number 23... I'm onto you!" :)