Thursday, June 10, 2010

Everything Summer and So Much More

This past weekend, my family and I went camping for the very first time! Now, this wasn't the up in the mountains, stuffed into a small tent, eating only what you catch, relieving yourself where every you please, type of camping... we actually did stay in a camper, which is a bit more civilized, but it was a first for me, and I actually had a lot of fun!

About a month ago, my parents bought a used camper, hoping that my family would take more time out of our busy schedules to use it. Now, I inform you that prior to this we only ever camped in a camper once a year, and that was for the one and only, grand ol' wonderful, Iowa State Fair (which doesn't actually count as camping, considering you are nowhere near a lake or nature area). So, the chances of us using this new camper was not very high. However, within a couple of weeks, we had set a date... and surprisingly enough we kept it!

My entire family got to be there, including the boyfriend, fiance, and husband. And I think everyone had an amazing time! We fished from the shoreline, rode the bike trails, sat around the camp fire, went on walks, played yard games and games of cards, ate smores and hamburgers, and just spent time together. I even caught a pet snail and named it Egor...haha! But even though between the nine of us, we caught only one fish, it was everything summer and so much more! And just to relax for one whole weekend, was simply luxurious! I can't wait for another camping weekend! :)


Anonymous said...

Hey Girly! I am so glad that you went camping cause i love it. So relaxing! Just wondering in the blog it mentioned a boyfriend. who's is it? lol just wondering lol