Monday, June 28, 2010

Another year...

Another year has passed in my life... yep, tomorrow is my twenty-third birthday. And while all you folks out there older than me are thinking that I have tons more life to live, the time has come for me to evaluate my life. It's a human thing, a habit I think.

And surprisingly enough, this year I actually feel pretty good about where I am and what I am doing. Sure, there are those days when I just can't believe I haven't done anything with my life yet, but today while reminiscing in the past, I feel good at what I've accomplished and what I have. For instance, I have an amazing family... a good paying job... a place to live for now... I am still writing... I have a great boyfriend... I am having fun in my free time... I am spiritually strong... I have pretty great friends... and I am in good health... Overall, I'd say that's a pretty darn good life. Who am I to complain?

So I guess all I really wanted to say is: "Bring it on number 23... I'm onto you!" :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Routine of Writing

Now that my life has settled into a routine with work, I hope I will be able to start blogging more frequently. At the same time, I plan on working harder on my novel. Although my few avid blog followers are really important to me, I probably should pick my dream up where I left it... last summer. I want to write a novel. And how amazing would it be if it were published? Even if only my mom bought it... A published book becomes a part of history as soon as it is printed. The pages could last for over a century. My words could be read years from now. I mean the thing has a better chance of lasting longer than I will. How cool is that?

So... wish me luck... and watch those book store shelves. I could be famous one day! :) And YOU could say you were with me in the beginning!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Compare and Contrast

Palm readers believe that one can tell
by reading the lines of your hands,
your rich or dreadful fortune
and the extent of your future plans.

Does this mean that one can read
one’s life through the eye of the past?
Reading the stresses of your feet
is it possible to compare and contrast?

For your feet are a tracking device,
a recorder of where you’ve gone.
On the sidewalk or through unknown waters,
your life is erased and redrawn.

Examine the feet of an American girl,
they are pedicured, smooth, and tan.
She would give anything to look just like Barbie,
her only goal, to please her man.

Caress the foot of a Haitian child,
it’s dirty and undersized and rough.
His family, too poor to afford shoes;
His supper will not be enough.

The feet of a single woman
swollen until almost blue.
Unable to see them, not sure
if the right matches the left shoe.

Callused and cracked from workboots,
Take a look at a farmer’s toes.
the sacrifice to make a living,
he most certainly knows.

Then there’s the Harvard scholar
who thought himself the prestigious rule,
Feet worn out and numb,
he waited tables to pay for school.

An unappreciated beaten girlfriend,
her foot in a solid, white cast.
Bruised, battered, and broken,
keeping her from running too fast.

The strong and nimble Pro athlete
whose feet are dressed in Nike.
Millions of dollars in endorsements
do much to ease his psyche.

A forty-year old female executive,
persistent in doing her best.
Her feet tired, high arched, and in heels
Knowing she’s always paid less.

Simon Peter, the disciple
His feet washed clean and dried.
“Do as I’ve done for you.”
Jesus has notoriously replied.

My own feet, narrow and cracked
From a life of dodging eggshells.
Where I’m heading, where my feet will go next
One must look to my hands to tell.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Every Moment of Every Dollar

So tomorrow I will have completed my third week of working in the real world. And although, I work long hours and have to go to bed early and get up early and my weekends are way too short... I don't completely hate my job... which is a GREAT THING! Quite honestly, it's exactly what I went to school for, and not many recent grads, can say they got a job in their field right after graduating. And at least when I am paying off all those very large college loans I have stored up, I will know that it was all worth while.

But THE REALITY IS... having a job does make a lot less time for other things. Like hanging out with your family... dating... seeing your friends... shopping... reading... staying fit... going to movies... and taking naps... and writing my novel... and blogging. :( And I thought having only one job would give me so much more time for other activities, but I guess it really does make the time spent actually doing those other things, that much greater! I kinda like that feeling too. It really makes you cherish every moment... (and every dollar spent, lol)

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Biggest 'Naners I've Ever Seen

Today was just like any other day. I woke up, showered, went to work... but who could have predicted that today was the day that I would find the biggest 'naners I've ever seen in my entire life. I mean the photos above don't even do this bunch of yellow, titanic bananas justice! Bet you, they'd win a world record... if I didn't eat them first!

Ahhhh.... who'd a thought it... What a day! :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Everything Summer and So Much More

This past weekend, my family and I went camping for the very first time! Now, this wasn't the up in the mountains, stuffed into a small tent, eating only what you catch, relieving yourself where every you please, type of camping... we actually did stay in a camper, which is a bit more civilized, but it was a first for me, and I actually had a lot of fun!

About a month ago, my parents bought a used camper, hoping that my family would take more time out of our busy schedules to use it. Now, I inform you that prior to this we only ever camped in a camper once a year, and that was for the one and only, grand ol' wonderful, Iowa State Fair (which doesn't actually count as camping, considering you are nowhere near a lake or nature area). So, the chances of us using this new camper was not very high. However, within a couple of weeks, we had set a date... and surprisingly enough we kept it!

My entire family got to be there, including the boyfriend, fiance, and husband. And I think everyone had an amazing time! We fished from the shoreline, rode the bike trails, sat around the camp fire, went on walks, played yard games and games of cards, ate smores and hamburgers, and just spent time together. I even caught a pet snail and named it Egor...haha! But even though between the nine of us, we caught only one fish, it was everything summer and so much more! And just to relax for one whole weekend, was simply luxurious! I can't wait for another camping weekend! :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

First Day!

Today was my first day at my first BIG PERSON job... and I didn't completely hate it! Which is a huge plus for me, considering I've only ever had summer jobs, all of which I end up disliking by August. So I'd say we are off to a good start with this one!

For those of you who don't know, I am the new marketing coordinator for a John Deere dealership in central Iowa. So today I sent out two radio ads and a newspaper ad. I met both of the contacts for that media. I read up on some guidelines and restrictions for advertising imposed by John Deere. I made a new contact with someone we might be working with to create a new website, as well as some new magazine advertising. AND all that in my first day!

I'd say that's a day well spent! Just pray I continue to enjoy it... I need to stay at this job for a little longer than three months! :)