Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Triathalon Maybe?

My sister and my brother-in-law (not a couple) have started training for their New Year's resolution and goal: To compete in a triatholon. And now my sister has got me thinking about doing one too. And just thinking about it has gotten me all nervous and worn out. But I am interested in the idea. Could I do it? Could I keep my body going for that long? Could I keep my mind motivated for the whole distance? Many questions... no FOR SURE answers. Well, until I try one.

My sister and my brother-in-law's (not a couple) plan is to train and increase distances each week. Starting with 10 miles a week and moving forward from there. A big problem my brother-in-law and I have though is that we have nowhere to practice swimming until our city outdoor pools or lakes open in the summer. The problem my sister and brother-in-law (not a couple) have is that they have nowhere to bike when there is snow on the ground. My sister is still at college, so she has an indoor pool to swim in. And I have a contraption in which you can hook up a bike indoors and pedal normally as if you were outdoors. But I really need to practice swimming, considering that will probably be the hardest part of the whole race. Not that I'd be racing to compete, but rather racing to complete. Another plan they have is to practice for the triathalon by signing up for a sprint, which is a shorter version of the triathalon. And the one they are interested in doing is in late June... which means, whew! I need to get my butt in gear!

So I am still contemplating this idea, but the truth is it intrigues me. I want to push my body and test my strength of mind. I want to see how far I can go and what I can accomplish. But the real truth is... I am scared fo failing. I am scared of not being abe to handle it. I am scared of letting myself down.. But maybe I won't, right? Maybe, I will be great .................. Right?