Saturday, January 22, 2011


Last night, my boyfriend of almost two years, proposed to me. And while I might have been able to predict that it was coming soon and maybe even that night, after several subtle hints from him, I couldn't be any more excited! Finally, after countless dreams and wishes and desperate blogs and hopeful poems and hour upon hour of conversation with whoever would listen about my love problems... and several wrong ones, I finally found the right guy.

The proposal: I knew that my boyfriend was going to be taking me out for the evening, so when I arrived at his house, he was at the door to let me in with a single red rose. (I hate big bouquets! lol) I got ready and we went out to dinner at a brewing company downtown. We'd been there before, but we still enjoyed some great food, good conversation, and a glass of wine and beer. He told me he had a surprise for me after dinner, so I tried several times to guess where we were going. I didn't get it right.

After we had finished eating, he told me that he wanted me to drive to our next destination. So he gave me directions and I drove, the anticipation growing. I was pretty sure he was going to propose but I had no idea where. He told me to park the vehicle near a sculpture park that is located in the downtown area. So we got out, he held my hand, and proceeded to walk me to the center of the park, where he proposed to me by a sculpture entitled, "Marriage." It was all very surreal in that it started to snow lightly as we approached the sculpture, the lights of the skyline shown brightly around us, and we were the only two people in the entire park, a snow-covered museum in the cold night air. But at the same time, it was very real. He might have fumbled a line, or forgot part of his speech (as he told me later). I might have scolded him for not getting down on his knee, even thought he might get his pant leg wet, and we might both have been pretty cold and laughing as we tried to figure out why the sculpture had been entitled Marriage. But it was still perfect. It was taken right out of a movie and placed into the lines of my life.

He told me that we had known each other for 1005 days. And we'd been dating for 705 of those days. And that he loved me and that he hoped I'd do him the honor of marrying him. He pulled out the ring that I had chosen, and told me not to lose it because it wasn't yet insured. Again, surreal but perfect. We hugged each other, and suddenly the night wasn't so cold and never wanted to leave that park. I wanted to cling to the moment of our engagement. So we walked around the park, hand and hand, smiling from ear to ear, as he told me the names of the other sculptures, which he had learned as he researched the spot on the Internet. And then we headed home, to call all our family and friends and let them know.

It turned out to be a great night! And it was the perfect, surreal but very real, proposal. Two points for my finance.