Monday, January 17, 2011

Close Your Eyes

Isn't it funny that closing your eyes when you are drunk or tipsy, sends your world a spinning instead of focusing your mind and calming you? I was at a wedding this weekend, and I might have had a little too much wine on an empty stomach. So I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself and get my head under control, but I only got more dizzy. My head only spun more and more out of control. I felt like I was going to vomit.

This seems really opposite to me. Because in other instances, you don't get this same reaction to closing your eyes.

Like when you are really nervous because you are trying to make a free throw in a big game... or you are trying to think of an answer to a tough question on a test... or you are frustrated with a spouse or sibling... what do you do? You close your eyes.. You close your eyes to focus. You close your eyes to think more clearly. You close your eyes to regain composure. And it works. It helps you find your center... of balance, of gravity, of mind, of body, and of soul.

So what's with alcohol. We already know it affects your mind and your body. You do funny things. You don't think clearly. You might even get a little sick. You might get dizzy. But why, when your eyes are close, does it still affect you so much? It's strange.