Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My 1st Year Blog Anniversary

Today is December 14th. And on this exact day last year, I wrote my first blog entry ever. I can't believe it's already been a full year... and 139 blogs... since that day. Of course, like with every anniversary, one thinks back to the day it all started. Here is my first blog written December 14th 2009 at 8:57PM...

The reality is... A million thoughts run through our head every single day, but few people ever write them down. They come to the front of our mind for a split second and then are lost forever in the matter and mush that make up our minds. Grocery lists, old memories, shoe prices, fairy tales, dates and times, song lyrics, dreams, hopes, wishes.
The reality is... everyone has something that makes them smile. Everyone has something that makes them tear up and cry. Everyone has something that ails them and keeps them from sleeping at night, realities that would be all too horrible even for a nightmare. If only we would share these thoughts with the world. My triumph might make your day a little brighter, or your despair might remind me to be grateful for my own blessings. We could help each other. We could relate.
So here I am trying to connect with you, trying to help you, to teach you, to learn more about you. The world is easier to conquer when you are not fighting it alone, when someone can relate with exactly how you feel. We can struggle together.
Maybe I am crazy, but the reality is... maybe you are crazy too. And that is the whole point.

So 365 days later, I reflect. Have I accomplished my goal? Have I made you smile? Have I made you cry? Have I shared my real and true thoughts with you no matter how horrible, no matter how exciting, no matter how personal? Have I been able to relate with you? Have I helped you to realize that you are not alone in this world?

I hope so. I really really hope so.

I know I have gotten some comments on my blogs saying, "I know exactly what you mean..." and "I totally agree." And I've also received some disagreeing comments as well. But I still have so many questions... Who exactly am I relating to? How many people am I reaching? Am I doing enough? Can words really make any kind of difference? Are words any kind of answer?

Are words any kind of answer? Wow! That is really a question for the books, huh? All I know is that I read every single day, whether it be a magazine, a book, a blog, an online article, or a newspaper. And every word I read contributes to an emotion I have. I get nervous and alarmed when I read about a robbery and murder online. I get anxious and happy when I read a wedding announcement in the paper. I feel warm and hopeful when I read about a romantic couple in a novel. And I regain a sense of peace and faith when I read one of the many verses of the Bible. Words do something for the soul. They are traces of our past. They hold the key to our heritage and our future. They invoke communication, which is our largest method of relation and connection with every other human being in the universe.

So are words enough? Is this blog doing anything? Helping anyone? Are words any kind of answer? Are they enough? They are for me.

And I hope my words inspire you to agree ...and to hope ...and to believe ...and to feel empowered ...and to relate ... AND to face reALIty, not alone...

... but together with me.