Friday, October 29, 2010

My Frustrations With Wal-Mart

It may just be me, but the enter/exit automatic doors at Wal-Mart drive me insane! First off, nobody goes in or out the correct doors. People just kind of enter and exit through whichever door they so desire. Which causes traffic jams and annoyance and confusion. And there are those couple of people who get really pissed off, because they noticed you used the wrong door. And you just give them a weird look while screaming in your mind, "HELLO! NO ONE IS USING THE CORRECT DOOR! GET OVER IT!" Plus, the doors are only marked "enter" or "exit" on the outside, so if you're exiting it really isn't your fault if you go out the wrong door. Plus, the doors are so slow to open and close that my clothes practically go out of style waiting. Especially if you have someone in a wheelchair or one of those motorized chairs or a mom pushing  a stroller in front of you... it's ridiculous! Plus, the exit-marked door is actually on the right side, while the entrance-marked door is on the left, which seems completely weird to me considering automobile traffic is the exact opposite! It just doesn't make sense in my mind!

And if we are going to be talking about Wal-Mart, I might as well say a few more things...

If anyone ever says, "Ya I am just gonna make a quick Wal-Mart run..." just look at them and laugh, because there is nothing quick about Wal-Mart. First there is the whole automatic door deal. And then there's the fact that there are a million store associates running around, until you actually need one to help you and then you can't locate a single one of them. And then there's the million vacant cash registers, while you are jammed in a line of five with three more people behind you.

And then, (and this isn't Wal-Mart's fault necessarily) there is that one great day, when you actually think you are going to accomplish "a quick Wal-Mart run," because you managed to park, make it through those crazy doors and grab your shampoo and toilet paper (which are on opposite sides of the store with the toilet paper now in the grocery section) all in a short five minutes. And then, because you have only two items you think to yourself, "Wow! I am going to hit up the "20 Items or Less" cash register line and get our of here in no time." And your luck continues because there is only one person in front of you when you jump in line...

But then of course the lady in front of you has exactly 25 items, not 20... and you know this because you counted them... Then one of her items is missing the price tag, so the cashier has to call for a price check.. And then once they decipher the price, the lady decides to pay for a check, of which she has to borrow a pen to write out and in which she wants to get extra cash back...

So fifteen minutes later... you set your items on the counter and the cashier asks, "Did you find everything alright today?" And you manage to squeak out a "yes" without going off about the damn lady in the "20 items or less" line who actually had 25 items, who had  a price check, and who paid with a check!!"

But you feel better when you are finally checked out, items in hand, receipt in your purse, and heading towards the exit, when you are stopped. "Excuse me, but can I see the receipt for that toilet paper!" Damn Nazi Wal-Mart employees! Just let me go... so you search for the receipt which you finally find after  dropping your keys and spilling your purse all over the floor.... Then the employee highlights your receipt without even really looking at it (which is actually quite pointless, because who ever really looks to see if your receipt is marked once you walk out the door) and sends you on your way, FINALLY! And you scowl as you exit through the "enter" door sick and tired of "quick one stop shopping." What a nightmare!