Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bucket List Entry: NYC for New Year's Eve

Today, I was looking at the number of PTO days I have going into the last two months of the year. And I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I had more than enough, and that I could probably even take a mini-vacation sometime here soon if I so desired. So I started to think about a destination that could be a fun vacation in the winter, and for some reason, one place popped into my head right away! No, not traveling to Colorado to go skiing. and no, not trekking down to Florida to warm up. But I thought about how I've always wanted to go to Times Square to celebrate New Year's Eve one year! And while I have been to New York City and Times Square before, I've never been there for New Year's Eve. You could say it's one of the things on my bucket list, as I am sure it might be for many people. And today I thought to myself: Why not make this year, that year! Right away, I got really excited and started looking at prices of hotel rooms and flights online, but it turns out the hardest part for me is going to be finding someone to go with me... No one seems to have enough money or enough time off work to go. And what would New York City be on New Year's Eve, if I had no one to share it with, no one to hug and scream with, to yell HAPPY NEW YEAR! with... It would probably be about as good as a really buttery bag of popcorn in front of the T.V. So I didn't do anything crazy and book a flight today, but it would be really awesome if this would work out. It makes me feel so GREAT when I am able to cross things off my bucket list... It makes me feel like I am actually alive and experiencing the world around me. I don't want to be just some bum on the couch, picking kernels out of my teeth, who falls asleep before the ball even drops... Ya... that would be lame. I want to experience NYC on NYE... Honestly, is that too much to ask?