Friday, September 17, 2010

My Barren Mind

My mind is barren. It is too poor to develop any deep, intelligent thoughts to post about today, which is strange, because I feel like when I first started blogging, a lot of my blogs were so deep and critical. I think it's the whole working thing. My mind is constantly moving from subject to subject throughout the day, computing, analyzing, creating... that when I get off work, I am ready to just sit and not think at all, which is perhaps why my novel is going nowhere fast.

Which is also strange because when I was in college, I had this theory. I believed that college and all the homework and reading that comes along with it, drained the creativity right out of you. In a place that is suppose to stem brilliance and authenticity and innovation, instead you get none. Why? Because college students are too busy reading pages upon pages of books for their classes, that they never get a chance to sit down and read something that could actually develop their mind in other ways, or heaven forbid, something they might actually enjoy! And college students don't have the time to draw or paint or create poetry and short stories, because they are too overwhelmed and consumed with writing essays and papers for all their other classes. They don't have time to investigate and research their own topics, because they are in the lab for four hours every other day of the week picking at frogs and mixing substances. My theory was that college froze up the mind.

But now that I am out of college, here I seem to be stuck in the same situation. I can't blame college anymore! I guess I might have to actually step up and have a creative thought. I guess I might have to step up and start working on my novel. No more excuses. No more alibies. The time is now.

(Whoa... wait a second. Did I just CREATE a blog topic?)