Thursday, September 23, 2010

Color Blind

Yesterday at work, a group of my co-workers and I were discussing our grandparents and how they tend to make racial comments, because they grew up in a time "before" all men were created equal. And while we all believed their behavior to be inappropriate, we all decided that there was really no changing their minds. Then a co-worker through out a quote that really stuck with me.

"Old people may be deaf, but they sure aren't color blind."

And while at first, this phrase may seem semi-comical, it is such a true statement. And then I thought about how the world would be so much different, if we lived in black and white. There's no doubt that life would be altered on a grand scale, but would skin color still be an issue? More than likely the answer would be yes, considering we would all still be different shades, but who really knows? In a world in which color would be extremely limited, maybe it wouldn't be such a big deal.