Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My New Puppy!

Last week, I decided to take on one of my life long goals and challenges: to purchase and take care of my very own puppy! And while this decision came on, developed, and took place all within a 48 hour time frame, I am ecstatic with my results. I am now the proud owner and mother (lol) of my very own Yorkie Poo named Josie.

Josie is eight weeks old and so very very tiny. I've always wanted a small dog, so she is just perfect! Josie is black with a spec of white underneath her chin. She has the curly fur of a Poodle but is small  in stature and has a face similar to a Yorkie. Josie has been a very good eater so far and is very active for an eight week old puppy. She is absolutely fearless, which makes me happy and yet scares the crap out of me as her mother. I am not sure if she knows enough to be scared of the things that can actually harm her, like cars, holes, or other large dogs. However, she seems to be getting along pretty well with Charlie, our very large Newfoundland. Josie wasn't potty-trained when I got her last Thursday but she is already doing an amazing job going pee pee on her training mat. However, we are still working on those number twos. :)

Needless to say, I never thought I would be the type of dog owner who would speak in baby talk, dress up my puppy, or wipe her little puppy butt after she poops, but I am definitely getting there. I love buying her new toys and really don't mind getting up in the night to take her outside. I definitely get a sense of pride when she and I get through the night without any accidents (which has happened the last two nights)!! I can definitely see now why dogs are considered man's best friend, because Josie has become such a good friend to me already. Not to mention, she is cuter than a button! Check out some photos of her below!

Josie resting.

Josie and Charlie together.

Josie mid-play!

Me and my little girl.