Friday, July 16, 2010

The Three Day Weekend: My Solution to a Happier World

Last night I pretty much decided that the world would be a greater place and people would be a whole lot happier, if we only had a four day work week. Like if the President of the United States suddenly declared that the whole world would now operate on a four day work week, the idea of it wouldn't be strange at all, because it would simply be the norm. All businesses would still be fine and still make money, even though the weekend would start on Thursday night, because all businesses would operate in conjunction with how they work now. For instance, if a company is opened on weekends now, it would continue to be open on weekends. And if a small business is only open during the week, they would lock their doors on Thursday at 5:00pm when the week days end. See... it wouldn't be a complicated change at all.

Plus...I just feel that we, as human beings, spend way too much of our lives working. I mean just a few days ago, I was sitting in the breakroom when I suddenly realized that I WAS NOT in the office for only ONE number on the clock, six. Because I work from 7:30am-5:30pm, I am never in the office when the clock reads 6... BUT for every other number on the clock... I am in the office, working. How depressing is that? And I just can't get myself to believe that God put us on this planet only to work. Instead, we should be celebrating life by expriencing the world and making new friends and loving your old ones. It should be about being happy, not working.

And I can't help but wonder if this is all one man's fault. The guy who invented the dollar. Whoever he is. Because before the dollar and money, people simply traded and bartered. They did work, but only what was necessary to live. For example, a man raised dairy cows, and he didn't raise them to become rich and famous and to one day own Anderson-Erikson, but he raised them to feed his family and have just enough excess milk in order to buy the other few essentials of life, like food and clothing (Not an IPhone or Mercedes-Benz). And don't ya think life could be so much more simpler if we went back to this ancient system? I mean, I would have a trade. And you would have a trade. We would trade. And then we would be happy.

So VOTE TODAY! Vote for change! Vote for the three day weekend! Vote for the four day work week! Vote reALIty for President of the United States! And I guarantee that your life will be so much more simpler... and happier!

Did I convince you?


Unknown said...

I see how 3 day weekends could benifit humanity, but at what cost? Eventually we would demand 5 day weekends and so on, it would never stop until everyone stopped working all together, and still get paid.

It is overwhelming to work so many hours just for money. Our lives could in fact to put to much better use. I'll vote for you, but I don't think it will work.

reALIty said...


This blog was merely a comment on how much time humans spend working rather than actually enjoying life. A three day weekend might not be completely reasonable or valid, but I just wanted to open up people's minds to a much need change in the world that could exist, if humans were not so caught up in making money.

P.S. I would never actually run for President. I hate politics! Have a good weekend! :)

Alicia said...

Yes please! I would love a three day weekend. :)