Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My One Block View of Cincinnati

And which block you ask?? I couldn't even tell you!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Now is the Only Time

"Now is the Only Time"... is a quote I read today in Elizabeth Gilbert's book, Eat Pray Love. And for some reason, that quote has really stuck with me throughout the day.

Why? Many reasons I suppose...
I am afraid I won't have enough time to do everything I want to do in this life. 

Why? Like every other human being, I am afraid of change.

Why? I am moderately struggling through my life right now.

Why? I am afraid I will get hurt.

But Why? Probably because I am scared of not measuring up to the expectations set before me... by me... and by others.

My whole life has been spent fulfilling the expectations and the standards, that I thought were bricks, set in stone and layed out before me. So doing something in the "now," something at the spur of the moment, simply wasn't smart. It was thoughtless, careless, sometimes hurtful, but always always stupid.

But what is so wrong with spontaneity anyway? What's so wrong with stepping out of the sidelines and becoming the talk of every one's gossip-filled lives. The truth is, most of the time I gossip, because I am jealous of that person anyway. Not for what they did, but of the COURAGE they had to do it.

For instance, I don't have the courage to quit my job to open my own business. I am too scared to work hard at writing my first novel, because I'm scared it will be too hard, and I will fail. I am too afraid to admit that I need someone. I am too honest with myself to believe I am beautiful. I am too stubborn to admit that someone else could be right, because I am too cocky to ever admit I am wrong. I am too careful to move too fast in a relationship. I am too lonely to live alone again. I am too cautious to move to a war zone to help people. I am too nervous to walk the line. I feel too much to feel nothing at all.

I am too afraid to live in the now! I am too busy to live in the now! I am too shy to live in the now, because I am too good at excuses.

Why? I guess it could be any of the above. But I guess it could also be because I am too afraid of what comes after the "now". Because from what I've observed, that whole "later" part can be quite the kick in the ass.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Non-Stop Fun!

Now is the time for corn dogs and funnel cakes! Now is the time for the Giant Slide and excellent shows! Now is the time for camping and riding shuttles and the Butter Cow! Now is the time for "Non-Stop Fun" @ the Iowa State Fair!

This past weekend, I spent at the Iowa State Fair, which by the way, I have been to every year since I was born... or at least that's what I've been told. And I look forward to this time every year, because there is just something about that place that gives me the tingles. It brings back so many good memories that I go back every year hoping to create just at least one more.

And I know some people just don't get it. They are the skeptics, the people that go to the fair for one day and jam everything into that eight hour period: all the shows, all the animals, all that food, and all that walking! Plus, they have absolutely no idea how to get around the fair efficiently! So I can understand why they don't enjoy it. But when you are able to camp there, you get to take it all in strides: seeing all the shows you want to, eating some cheaper, healthier food mixed in with all that grease on a stick, AND you can take mid-day naps! I love camping at the FAIR!
Supposedly, the ISF campground is the third largest county in the state during the fair with all those people staying there. However, supposedly, there is also a long, long waiting list to get a camping spot at the fair, so while I urge everyone to try it, it's just not gonna happen for a lot of ya. Sorry!

But the fair is a great place for everyone! It's a ten day celebration of everything Iowa! And while some people also might be skeptics and believe that there is nothing worthwhile in the state of Iowa, I beg to differ and would like a chance to convince you otherwise.

1. We are the largest corn producing state!
2. Ashton Kutcher is from Iowa.
3. Field of Dreams was filmed in Iowa.
4. As was the Bridges of Madison County.
5. Iowans actually say "Hi" back to you in an airport.
6. Grant Wood and Herbert Hoover both called Iowa home...

Okay okay... So Iowa doesn't have the most amazing specs, but she is still a great place to live! Just make a visit to the Iowa State Fair and you'll see why!

P.S. Make sure you try a shake from the Dairy Barn, Cheese Curds, a corn dog, and a Chop on a Stick while you are there... and then you can eat whatever you want for Lunch and Supper. :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My New Puppy!

Last week, I decided to take on one of my life long goals and challenges: to purchase and take care of my very own puppy! And while this decision came on, developed, and took place all within a 48 hour time frame, I am ecstatic with my results. I am now the proud owner and mother (lol) of my very own Yorkie Poo named Josie.

Josie is eight weeks old and so very very tiny. I've always wanted a small dog, so she is just perfect! Josie is black with a spec of white underneath her chin. She has the curly fur of a Poodle but is small  in stature and has a face similar to a Yorkie. Josie has been a very good eater so far and is very active for an eight week old puppy. She is absolutely fearless, which makes me happy and yet scares the crap out of me as her mother. I am not sure if she knows enough to be scared of the things that can actually harm her, like cars, holes, or other large dogs. However, she seems to be getting along pretty well with Charlie, our very large Newfoundland. Josie wasn't potty-trained when I got her last Thursday but she is already doing an amazing job going pee pee on her training mat. However, we are still working on those number twos. :)

Needless to say, I never thought I would be the type of dog owner who would speak in baby talk, dress up my puppy, or wipe her little puppy butt after she poops, but I am definitely getting there. I love buying her new toys and really don't mind getting up in the night to take her outside. I definitely get a sense of pride when she and I get through the night without any accidents (which has happened the last two nights)!! I can definitely see now why dogs are considered man's best friend, because Josie has become such a good friend to me already. Not to mention, she is cuter than a button! Check out some photos of her below!

Josie resting.

Josie and Charlie together.

Josie mid-play!

Me and my little girl.